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What to pack in a carry-on when you’re flying with the kids

March 15, 2024 • 4 min read
Air travel can be challenging –– from cramped seats to limited food to cold plane temps. Add young kids to the equation and you have the perfect recipe for hearing “are we there yet?” a LOT. But we’ve done our research and we have a few inventive, surprising, and common-sense suggestions for what to pack in your carry-on to make flights with kids a breeze.

Points of interest

  • Bring their favorites, from books and treats to shows and tunes
  • Pack plenty of snacks — hangry is not where you want to be at 30,000 feet
  • Accidents happen so bring change of clothes for your and your little one
Two toddlers enjoy their coloring books while on a plane.

Top 9 carry-on packing tips for young children

Flying with kids is all about keeping them entertained. Kids old enough to have their own seat will also be able to take their own personal item and carry-on on board, so make use of the extra baggage allowance! It can be fun to let them pack their own small roller bag or backpack with items that can help keep them entertained during the trip. Ideal carry-on items for young kids include a mix of hands-on activities, books, toys, and digital entertainment. Here’s our list of 9 must-haves:
  1. Art supplies
  2. Travel-sized modeling clay packs, crayons and paper, a color-by-numbers book, or washable markers, are great artistic ways for kids to pass the time. Older children might like trying their hand at origami. Working with their hands requires creative focus, which usually has the added effect of minimizing wiggly, noisy energy.

  3. A good book (or two)
  4. Pack a couple of your child’s favorite books in their carry-on, along with a new one you know they might like. Seek-and-find style books are a wonderful way to pass time, and you can take turns finding items the other has spotted.

  5. A game you can play together
  6. Games can occupy your small child’s attention and help them forget their surroundings. For toddlers and younger children, try a matching or memory-based game, or a small puzzle. Games with lots of tiny pieces are definitely what not to pack in a carry-on, as they are easy to drop and lose during the flight. For older children, consider a card-based game like Go Fish. Bonus points if it’s a game you enjoy, too!

  7. Lovey/comfort item
  8. Toddlers and small children rarely leave the house without their one specific item to which they are endlessly attached. If possible, bring a duplicate in your carry-on — things go missing during travel more often than most parents would like.

  9. Water bottle
  10. A water bottle is absolutely essential for everyone’s carry-on. While you’ll have to wait until you’re through security to fill it, it will save you from having to buy overpriced water in the airport.

  11. Snacks
  12. Bring some minimally messy, high protein snacks that your kiddo can munch on between takeoff and landing. Homemade granola bars or energy balls are fun for kids while allowing you to control the ingredients. For longer flights consider packing sandwiches or wraps.

  13. A change of clothes
  14. Prepare for the inevitable by bringing a change of clothes in a resealable bag. If a mess happens (and they always do) you can swap the clean clothes for the dirty ones and keep it all contained until you get to your destination.

  15. A blanket
  16. Bring a small blanket your toddler can use on the flight — even if they don’t nap, they may just enjoy the cozy, at-home feeling of their blanket.

  17. Tablet & headphones
  18. Preload your tablet with downloads of a few episodes of their favorite shows so you aren’t beholden to in-flight entertainment options and unstable and costly Wi-Fi.

Top 9 carry-on items for infants

There are so many things to think of when it comes to traveling with an infant and having the right gear and supplies can make a flight much smoother. You don’t want to bring your whole nursery on board, but here are 9 essentials for flying with a tiny tot:
  1. Infant carrier / car seat*
  2. Diapers, wipes, cream, and a foldable change mat
  3. Bottles and formula (if your infant isn’t breastfed)
  4. Teethers, soothers, or pacifiers
  5. A change of clothes (or two)
  6. Bibs and burp cloths
  7. Favorite baby toys/lovies
  8. Laundry bag/ziplock
  9. Blanket and lap pillow
*Although parents are allowed to hold kids under age two in their lap for the duration of a flight, you can also purchase a seat and attach your child’s car seat, which can be more comfortable and safe for everyone.
Two young boys play with a roller suitcase.

Don’t forget to pack for yourself as well!

In addition to the above items for your infants and children, here are 6 top carry-on necessities for parents:
  1. Face-friendly wipes and hand sanitizer
  2. Kid spills can have a wide radius so bring a change of clothes for yourself
  3. Headphones so you can relax once the kids are settled or asleep
  4. Chargers for all your devices
  5. IDs, passports, and other important documents
  6. Any prescriptions or other medication for yourself
Whatever you choose to pack for your kids, be sure the personal item bag is small enough to fit under the seat in front of you. Minimalism is key — the less you bring, the less there is to keep track of. If nothing goes to plan, even with your perfectly curated carry-on… you’ll be in your destination soon enough.
Two little kids playfully pack a suitcase on a bed.

Up next...

19 packing tips to uplevel your next family vacation

Packing well can make or break a family trip. We’ve got the checklists you need!